Tuesday, June 06, 2006










Anonymous said...


M-2 said...

今天和女朋友lunch time談及這件事,幾乎要反檯……

titainred said...


靜儀 said...


M-2 said...


Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

寫得好, 比那班偽善者好好睇清楚自己的所作所為!!

M-2 said...


Anonymous said...

袁建滔先生, 這文章寫得太好了,
亦列明原文網址及原作者, 而題目前加上"轉載"二字, 只是想把這好文章分享給更多的人.

如這行為令先生帶來不便, 或不滿, 請於此回覆通知, 我會立即刪除轉載的文章, 改為只提供連結的方式作分享.

Anonymous said...

如果香港人真的笨到這個程度,你想家長的責任大,還是學校的?還是森美?小儀? good


Anonymous said...


人怕出名豬怕肥.. ..唉"

Anonymous said...

我都想轉載一下, from 某 newsgroup

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...





titainred said...




袁建滔 said...





Anonymous said...




by 文

Anonymous said...




社會的道德壓力教導我們,欣賞同一類事物可以有「低俗」同「高尚」兩個天與地的角度之分別,因此在家中睇四仔是「低俗洩慾」,去HMV買「NINE SONGS」就是「藝術觀賞」。



titainred said...




Anonymous said...

個投票刀係娛樂性質je,只是香港教育和上一代的人太過保守!!其實 投訴果D真係年青人?
其實同類既投票在台灣同外國,,japan too已有ga la

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

其實,這件事情中反影出香港團體及高官的政治手段,香港人社會政治體制仍然落伍,保守及填鴨的制度下而生產的單一思考人士們仍然未能放眼世界,突破傳統上一些腐敗的枷鎖而自我進步,跨進國際,所以香港文化的落伍是一定的,創作人因此而遠走他方發展理想也是一種無奈,只恨香港領導層真的走得太慢了...回應網主的結論: 森小只是比香港社會文化走得快!

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

舉例:英國政府就不會叫全民負起教育之責~難不成跑去叫 "The SUN"收起第三頁(裸女頁)改登道德守則嗎?

M-2 said...


Snowdrops said...

1. There is a huge difference between sexual fantasies and sexual assault (and 非禮 is sexual assault).

2. There is a whole world of difference between sexual assault and sexual conservatism. The key is whether the sexual contact is CONSENSUAL. Surely this should have been a lesson in Sex Education 101. Arguing against promotion of sexual assault in the media DOES NOT EQUATE arguing for sexual conservatism, in the same way that arguing against idiotic polls that promote acceptance of the idea of bank robbery (hey let's name ten banks you would most like to rob) does not equate arguing for fiscal conservatism.

3. There is a huge difference between "Repressive Government", "Hypocritical Next/East/Apple Media", "Prudish Moralists", and ordinary people and women's voluntary organisations. Don't lump all legitimate critics as "illiberal-brainless-prudes-afraid-of-sex-and-stirred-up-by-hypocritical-mass-media-conspiring-with-the-repressive-government-agenda". Don't insult the public's intelligence and place oneself on the "intelligent highground" when you yourself can't tell right from wrong.

4. In an era dominated by Next/Apple/East media, I found it hugely absurd that somebody would still hold on to this notion that the present Hong Kong media is still prudish and sexually-repressive.

5. Just because others have committed far worse crimes that you, doesn't mean that you are allowed off the hook for the mistake that you yourself have committed.

6. There is a huge difference between being popular and being right.

Anonymous said...


Snowdrops said...

Anonymous wrote: "當然「性幻想」同「非禮」意義上差天共地,但斷估一個男性的「性幻想」絕對唔會係同佢既幻想對像「純吃茶」如此間單...掛?"

Who says sexual fantasies include only "純吃茶"??? It wouldn't be called "sexual" fantasies would it if you're only going for a cup of coffee. The key difference between「性幻想」同「非禮」which you've miserably failed to note is that one is in the realm of individual fantasy where the recipient of your attention accepts your sexual advances, whilst the very definition of 非禮 is that sexual contact is initiated against a person's will. The difference between the two is NOT that one is sexually tamer than the other, but that one could be CONSENSUAL while the other is CLEARLY NOT. Get it?

So you could have a poll asking people for the actress they would most like to engage in any type of XXX-rated sexual activities and it would still have been perfectly legitimate, but to use the term 非禮 is totally inexcusable even in liberal, sexually-progressive Western media* precisely because its very definition involves a victim of sexual violence.

*I would say the poll would NOT be condoned "especially" in liberal, sexually-progressive Western media precisely because these media are the first propagators of women's rights and the feminist agenda. Remember it is the feminists who burned bras and demanded sexual freedom for women. So what gets my goat are those Sammy/SiuYee supporters who try to paint the feminist organisations as "sexually-repressive man-haters". They really have no clue and I feel sorry for these blind fans.

Anonymous said...

i think samsiu is in the wrong time wrong place wrong situation. i truly think this is not a problem, i don't see why people freak out on this normal topic. this topic isn't a bigggg deal anyways..im sure hk teenagers were already exposed to "sex" long before they step into secondary school. the women organization are probably the only group that still hold the traditional mind set, which is naive. c'mon, this is 2006, is not 1900. get with the program ladies! just let dj go!

Snowdrops said...
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Snowdrops said...

Jol says "i truly think this is not a problem, i don't see why people freak out on this normal topic. this topic isn't a bigggg deal anyways."

Great, thank you for letting us know that you think sexual assault is a "normal topic" and "isn't a bigggg deal". I will advise my girlfriends to avoid you like the plague.

"im sure hk teenagers were already exposed to "sex" long before they step into secondary school."

You still don't get it do you? We are talking about SEXUAL ASSAULT, NOT SEXUAL ACTIVITIES BETWEEN CONSENTING ADULTS!! If you think that HK primary school kids have been exposed to learning how to 非禮 their female classmates then I'm truly sorry for the state of education in HK.

And just so you know, people are not "freaking out" over this poll, they are rightly indignant at the amount of lies and excuses being offered in defense of an indefensible albeit thoughtless mistake. If you can't get your head around a simple and straightforward difference between consensual sex and sexual assault, then don't paint yourselves as these "sexually-enlightened", "intelligent", "modern forward-thinking" people. It would only make people laugh because you guys are really neanderthals at heart.

Snowdrops said...

Hey 袁建滔‧ you wrote in this blog itself that:

I think Jol's comment "i truly think this is not a problem, i don't see why people freak out on this normal topic. this topic isn't a bigggg deal anyways.." has completely refuted your contention that this poll would not encourage or further endorse the view that "「非禮也不是甚麼一回事」".

So what have you to say to that eh? It's amazing isn't it that there are really are some of the 時下年青人 who are 真的笨到這個程度吧. While they might not have gone on to commit sexual assault themselves, but they certainly think that sexual assault, a criminal offense, is no big deal. Do you not see something seriously wrong with this picture? Or are you all so male-centric in your thinking that you're prepared to condone or even legalise sexual assault? Did sex education in Hong Kong only teach the students the biology of sex and not also the attendant moral and legal aspects to sexual relations?


In relation to your view that "但最令我不安的是接受媒體訪問的各「學者」、「講師」全部一致狂插……在這股正義旋風下,要挺直腰板也不容易。" Perhaps you should consider that when 接受媒體訪問的各「學者」、「講師」全部一致狂插, then perhaps there really is a just cause for revision of your views rather than persisting in a state of denial.

It's also hilarious how most of the people here have tried to describe 各「學者」、「講師」in Hong Kong as "單一思考人士們仍然未能放眼世界,突破傳統上一些腐敗的枷鎖而自我進步" in order to support their endorsement of the poll. Right, so all these academics with their overseas PhDs and international experience have "single-track minds" and "haven't seen the world to advance beyond corrupt traditions". What a laugh! You don't know anything about how gender studies and issues are tackled in the West if you don't understand the very basic concept of consent in sex. For Jol to tell the ladies to "get with the programme" just takes the micky - you should get with a basic and enlightened programme of gender relations rather than being stuck in the Stone Ages.

It's soooooo easy isn't it to just ignore valid criticisms by simply painting your critics as "偽善、缺乏幽默感、以道德標準高" rather than tackle their arguments head on. Just accept a thoughtless mistake has been made so that we can advance proper discussions about the state of sex education and gender relations in Hong Kong, rather than keep denying there is anything wrong at all. It'd make for far more productive debate as well as a healthier society.

sidekick said...

寫了一篇, 是關於這個的:


Snowdrops said...

Sidekick says "當然,這個錯到底有多大?值得其他傳媒插得這麼狠嗎?我覺得不值的。

I agree broadly with your post, and also completely agree that the point has now become where the "problem" is no longer Sammy and Siu Yee. At least, all Sammy/Siu Yee did in effect in my view was to uncover much more starkly underlying attitudes towards sex in Hong Kong in spite of all the education and Westernization that its populace has received.

What I would disagree however is that the problem lies not only with "那些傳媒高層、政府高官、社團代表,及教育界高人" - at least, the problem is not as straightforward as the Sammy-SiuYee defenders would paint them as. It's hugely insulting for "社團代表,及教育界人" to be lumped in with the Government and the Next/East/Apple media, when there have been many occasions when these stood in opposition with one another, so it's really unfair for S/SY critics to ignore their voices just because these happened to chime in with the Government agenda. It's rather galling that S/SY defenders persisting in the lies that former is co-opted by the latter because they could find no better argument to defend what S/SY has done. The worst form of "argument" in debate is to resort to labelling your opponents as undesirables, such as happened in the state of the U.S. political discourse where Liberals are painted as unpatriotic lily-livered intellectuals who are too stupid to realise that they are being co-opted by the Al-Queda agenda. I see the same type of portrayals being in work here which is extremely worrying. Can the majority of "forward-thinking" "liberal" Hong Kong populace do no matter than the U.S. Republicans?

So all the "其他傳媒插得這麼狠" partly is because of fact that the opposing side just cannot accept that there is a fundamental problem at all. By persisting in a state of denial and ignoring responsibilities, as quite a few posters on here have done, the debate just spiralled into a slanging match on both sides. You cannot have a row with only one side 插得這麼狠, it's about time that the S/SY defenders realise the role that they have played in the row itself, and how they themselves have 插 feminists and community organisations as well as the educators 這麼狠, to the extent of insulting their legitimate critics' all-round intelligence. And again please realise that by legitimate critics I DO NOT include the likes of Next/Apple/East media who are indeed being hypocritical in the extreme and has no right whatsoever to criticise S/SY. The fact though is that the voices of legitimate critics have been drowned out by these mainstream media also whilst at the same time they were being accused of being co-opted by the agenda of these mainstream media.

Simply put, I would argue that there is a dire need to look at this problem on a far more sophisticated level than simple name-calling on both sides.

Snowdrops said...

Sorry, please delete the redundant "not" in the first part of the sentence in the third paragraph - i.e. it should read instead "What I would disagree however is that the problem lies only with..."

Snowdrops said...

Oops, also please replace "matter" with "better" in the last sentence of the third para., so it should have read instead: "Can the majority of "forward-thinking" "liberal" Hong Kong populace do no better than the U.S. Republicans?"

Snowdrops said...

There is a brilliant essay, excerpted below, which decodes in a much more sophisticated way the politics underpinning the debate by 葉一知 at the Diuman Park blog (http://diumanpark.mysinablog.com/index.php?op=ViewArticle&articleId=185081):


於是風波鬧大,社會輿論狠批,商台和森美小儀才手足無措地道歉。曾蔭權及其SPIN DOCTOR看在眼裏,機不可失,正好從中抽水。...




在政治對弈當中,你爭我奪,借題發揮,本來就是常事。... 即使你是爭取民主的義士,你在大遊行中涉嫌抽水,還是要受到審判。雖然,在政治鬥爭中,往往為達目的不擇手段,偶然要掩著良心做事,但如果那個虛構的民主鬥士在遊行中抽水,我們為大局視而不見,我們又是否真的希望這樣的一個新政府上台?..."

Anonymous said...






Anonymous said...

都抵唔住頸寫咗篇, 引用你這篇囉!
^^ 打個打呼^^

袁建滔 said...






2)我從無事事歸咎於「偽善、假道德」的社會。我所擔心是,大眾傾向把問題的根源歸咎傳媒,而忘記家庭的責任。身為人父,我知道只要父母盡了他們的責任,他們永遠是孩子的首選role model。孩子是一面鏡,你看孩子,便看見他的父母的影子。家庭/家教,是人格成形的第一關,它比教育、傳媒、朋友的影響重要上不知多少倍。




Anonymous said...

inmedia 轉載了林奕華的文章

Snowdrops said...

Yuen, I appreciate that this is just a personal blog for you to offload all these thoughts in your head (that's the function of mine too). I was only linked to your blog from another blog, but having read your post, and having read how so many others found resonance in what you've written, I can't help myself but to respond (if only so that there's more than one point of view being propagated here).

You said "1)我從來冇話過森美小儀做得對。在道德上、專業操守上,肯定是錯。但我不認為他們是壞蛋。本選舉用字(據稱他們原來想用「想入非非」)極為差劣,但如果有人堅持他們的出發點是引人犯罪,侮辱女性、罪該萬死……你有你觀點,我唔會同你死拗落去。"

Whilst you haven't said that they have done right, you haven't said that they have done anything wrong either. In fact, your original post says that their only mistake was to create a poor taste sex poll in a humourless society. But this is precisely the point that many people want to differ - the question is not just that it's poor taste, but that it's helping to endorse criminal behaviour (and again Jol's comment is a prime example of this). Sense of humour doesn't come into it where sexual assault is concerned.

None of the legitimate critics that I have read are also saying that Sammy/SiuYee are absolute 壞蛋 at all. In my own post for example I have repeated again and again that what they did was a thoughtless mistake. So please DO NOT say that your legitimate critics have been arguing that Sammy and Siu Yee "intended" to cause offense. That's not what we have been arguing at all, so nobody will 同你死拗落去 because you've been missing the point (deliberately?).

In relation to your second point, of course we would all agree that 只要父母盡了他們的責任,他們永遠是孩子的首選role model, but that's not the same as denying that the media also has its influence on the young. Why put this into an either-or question? Just because the parents have to do their job doesn't mean that the media can propagate anything they like. Progressive Western media helps spread ideas of sexual freedom and feminist/socialist ideals, so there is no denying the power of the mass media either, especially a programme whose main audience is the young.

I would heartily agree however with your point 3)"昨晚我跟一個任職某吸血報的舊同學傾開世界杯,談到森小事件。行內人的看法是,森小做得最差的是看輕事情的嚴重性,道歉時誠意不足,讓吸血傳媒搵到「位」做落去。" But I would also add that it wasn't simply an issue of not realising the seriousness of the situation, but that they didn't realise where they have gone wrong at all (i.e. still clinging to the belief that "assault" is simply a "stronger" language to describe sexual fantasies rather than realising that the two are totally different because the former clearly lacks consent and is criminal).

In the end, there isn't much room to advance discussions at all if both sides keep missing each others' points and try to paint the other side as far worse than they are, which is why I was so adamant that we need to move beyond such erronenous labelling as "old-prudish-sexually-repressive-man-haters" or SamSiu as devil DJs. Otherwise this just become another slanging match and as I've said above already, I'm SOOOOO not interested in that.

Thanks Sidekick for posting the link to 林奕華的文章. Whilst he has delved deeper into the issue of sex and celebrity, I don't agree that he's analysed the issue with enough breath at all because he's still only analysing the issues of the "function" of female stars from a male gaze perspective. Dressing sexily is SOOOOO not just about inspiring sexual fantasies anymore in this day and age, but about feeling good in one's skin and flaunting one's body when one still can. The latter is qualitatively different from the former. But in any case, the above didn't relate in ANY WAY to the furore over Sammy-SiuYee because, AGAIN, the issue ISN'T about sexual fantasy but sexual assault.

Anyway, of course if you and fellow bloggers on your site persist in framing the issue as mere semantics about sexual fantasies and labelling your critics as sexually-repressive, there isn't a whole lot anyone can do. Like you said, "你有你觀點,我also唔會同你死拗落去。"

Thanks very much though for kindly providing the space for discussions in your blog comments.

靜儀 said...



Anonymous said...



森美最初係有的"懶懶閒" 又或者可以話"懵懵地"

森美平時可能同傳媒有牙齒印都未定~ who knows?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



Shawn said...

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